FNSA Nominations and Elections Committee
Ivis Mendoza, Region 6 Director
AdventHealth University- Orlando
Check out our google drive to submit an application to become a part of a committee!
FNSA Bylaws- Section XII., Section 9.
"The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall:
(a) Be chaired by a Regional Director appointed to the position by the President and approved by the Executive Board at the post-convention Executive Board meeting.
(b) Consist of members from each region of the state, when possible.
(c) Appoint tellers who shall act as inspectors of the election.
(d) Have the responsibility of nominations, pre-election activities, and the voting procedure at the annual convention.
(e) The Chairperson must submit a letter stating their intent to run for an FNSA office sixty (60) days prior to the Pre-Convention workshop. In the event the Chairperson runs for an FNSA office, he/she will no longer be involved with the Nomination & Election Committee. The President will appoint a new N&E Chairperson with the Executive Board’s approval.
(f) Committee members shall resign from the N&E Committee in the event they decide to run for FNSA office.
(g) Perform all other duties pertaining to the office."
New 2016 2017 NEC Handbook by Maria Sheppard on Scribd