Kelsie Brown, President
Seminole State College

FNSA Bylaws- Article XIII.

SECTION 1."Special Liaisons to the FNSA Executive Board shall: be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board at any meeting of the FNSA Executive Board. 
SECTION 2. At the time of their appointment, the President will instruct Special Liaisons in the responsibilities and expectations of their appointment. These responsibilities and expectations can include: 
(a)     Attendance at meetings of other organizations. 
(b)     Written and verbal reports of attended meetings and other position-specific matters.
(c)     Attendance at meetings of the FNSA Executive Board.
(d)     Any other responsibilities deemed appropriate by the President.
SECTION 3. A Special Liaison may be removed from said office by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board for any of the following reasons:
(a)     The Special Liaison fails to perform the responsibilities of said appointment.
(b)     The Special Liaison is found to have misrepresented FNSA in any way. 

(c)     The Special Liaison engages in inappropriate conduct or unprofessional acts while representing the FNSA Executive Board."


Florida Board of Nursing:
The Florida Board of Nursing licenses, monitors, disciplines, educates and, when appropriate, rehabilitates its licensees to assure their fitness and competence in providing health care services for the people of Florida. The sole legislative purpose in enacting the Nurse Practice Act is to ensure that every nurse practicing in Florida meets minimum requirements for safe practice. It is the legislative intent that nurses who fall below minimum competency or who otherwise present a danger to the public shall be prohibited from practicing in the State of Florida. 

This liaison can attend the Florida Board of Nursing meetings and reports to the executive board on functioning of the Board and the disciplinary processes. There is an official meeting of the Board and discipline follows. Travel may be reimbursed for attendance at the actual business meeting of the board.

  • Florida Board Website: http://www.floridanursing.gov

Florida Center for Nursing:
The Florida Center of Nursing was established by the Legislatures with the goal of studying nursing manpower needs for the future. The Center is housed by the University of Central Florida and conducts research with the goal of projecting nursing manpower needs to ensure quality care of citizen s of Florida.

This liaison can attend the Florida Center of Nursing Meeting and reports to the FNSA executive board on the actions taken.

  • Florida Center Website: www.flcenterfornursing.org

Florida Nurses Political-Action Committee
The Florida Nurses Political Action Committee or FNPAC was organized to elect political candidates or to advance the outcome of a political issue or legislation to benefit nursing and healthcare. A Board of Trustees is appointed to carry out the mission of the PAC. In election years, the PAC interviews candidates based on FNA’s priority legislative agenda and selects which candidates to endorse. The PAC is funded by donations from the members of the Florida Nurses Association.

The person selected for this position is a voting member of this important committee. The liaison will share the FNA legislative agenda with the FNSA Board so that students are informed regarding statewide nursing issues. The Liaison will report back the endorsed candidates to the FNSA board once the list becomes public. Discussion of candidates prior to endorsement is confidential and cannot be shared. Candidate endorsements are shared via email, posted on the website and shared through social media. There is a new incoming liaison each year, but sitting liaisons are allowed to reapply as long as they are still students. The legislative Chair may serve as the FN-PAC liaison or another student may be appointed. Both students can attend but only the appointed liaison may vote.

  • FN-PAC Information: https://my.adu.edu/home

Florida League of Nursing
The Florida League of Nursing has a mission to promote excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse Nursing workforce, at the constituent level.

This liaison can attend the FLN meetings and reports to the FNSA executive board on the actions taken.

  • NLN Website: http://www.nln.org/

Special Interest Group
This liaison may choose a special interest group (SIG) from the Florida Nurses Association and will attend their meetings and report back to the FNSA board on how FNSA can partner with this professional group. Most of these meetings are evening conference calls.

  • FNA Special Interest Group information: www.floridanurse.org

Florida Nurses Association Board
The Florida Nurses Association as a constituent of the American Nurses Association is the only nursing organization representing ALL of nursing regardless of specialty or practice area. We speak on behalf of nursing in Tallahassee as well as before many regulatory bodies. We partner with other organizations that share our vision to create a unified nursing advocacy program for nurses in our state. We are a strong voice for the nurses of Florida fueled by the strength and commitment of the professional nurses who comprise our membership. 

This liaison has the opportunity to attend all of the Florida Nurses Association meetings and serves as the FNSA board representative. This liaison also plans to attend the student day that is held yearly at the FNA annual convention. The
student is invited to participate fully in the meetings but may not vote. 

  • FNA Website: www.floridanurse.org

Quality and Unity in Nursing Council
The mission of the Quality and Unity in Nursing (QUIN) Council is to promote quality and unity for nurses and nursing in Florida. 
This liaison joins a coalition of major nursing organizations in Florida for the purpose of demonstrating unity in nursing and finding common issues to address.

  • QUIN website: https://quincouncil.wordpress.com/

Florida Nursing Association Bylaws Committee
This liaison works with FNA Bylaws committee by attending meetings (usually conference calls). They report back information on FNA bylaws to the FNSA board This is an excellent way of learning the workings of the state organization. The FNA bylaws committee is most active in the year that Membership Assembly is held, usually during election years.

  • FNA Bylaws Committee Information: www.floridanurse.org