Colton Denby, Region 4 Director
South Florida State College

FNSA Bylaws- Article XII., Section 7.

“The Committee on Legislation shall:
(a)     Be chaired by a Regional Director appointed to the position by the President and approved by the Executive Board at the post-convention Executive Board meeting.
     Consist of members from each region of the state, when possible.
     Initiate contact and work in conjunction with FNA, NSNA, FLN, and FNA legislative committees.                                                                
     Represent FNSA at public hearings, the legislature, and local legislative districts.
(e)     Encourage chapters to initiate and maintain contact with their local legislative districts.
(f)     Provide each chapter with information on how to utilize the "political process" effectively to be of influence in health care issues.
(g)     Encourage and promote voter registration on chapter and state level.
(h)     Declare Legislative Day each year to coincide with FNA Lobby Days.
(i)      Perform all other duties pertaining to the office."

Welcome to the Legislative page. Our purpose is to provide students with the resources needed to be knowledgeable of the legislative process, how to be informed on nursing issues, and to be able to take an active role in helping shape the future of healthcare.

Knowledge is not enough to make a difference. One must act on that knowledge in a purposeful manner to enact change. Legislators only debate issues made known to them. They can’t discuss, let alone pass, laws important to us without being aware. However, they make countless decisions on what to act on each year and priorities are based on the importance to their constituencies as a whole. Should they work on a bill that five people deem important, or should they work on a bill that the 250,000 Florida nurses deem important? 

If you think you can’t make a difference, you’re wrong! Take a look at some of our resources and you’ll quickly discover just how easy it can be.


                                                                      •       There is strength in numbers
                                                                      •       Let’s educate our legislators on what’s important to nurses
                                                                      •       Come help make a difference (see links & resources below)
                                                                      •       For each of us individually
                                                                      •       For our profession
                                                                      •       But, most importantly, for our patients and communities