Erika Holt, Region 5 Director
AdventHealth University- Orlando

FNSA Bylaws- Article XII., Section 5.

"The Committee on Breakthrough to Nursing Shall:
(a)     Be chaired by a Regional Director appointed to the position by the President and approved by the Executive Board at the post-convention Executive Board meeting.
(b)     Encourage each chapter to participate in the BTN project on the local level by:
(c)     Initiate an exchange of ideas and information regarding BTN among NSNA, FNSA and local chapters.
(d)     Perform all other duties pertaining to the office."


The mission of the Breakthrough to Nursing Project is to:

  • Organize, represent, and mentor students preparing for initial licensure as registered nursed enrolled in baccalaureate completion programs, in becoming practitioners sensitive to the cultural diversity that exists in our society

  • Promote the development of the skills needed to be responsible, accountable members of the nursing profession who respect he differences and similarities between people

  • Advocate for high quality care, utilizing the principles of transcultural nursing

  • Facilitate the development of peer support systems, which enhance recruitment and retention within the nursing profession.

Implementing a BTN project is a great way to motivate, influence or educate others about the wide variety of opportunities in nursing.  Visit your local Elementary schools, High schools, Skill Centers, Technical schools, Vocational Centers, Community colleges and Universities and participate in a local orientation day, health, college or career fair. 
FNSA encourages each individual school to form their own BTN committee and implement a Breakthrough to Nursing project! 



NSNA BTN website
NSNA Nursing the Career of a Lifetime Video
(Free for official NSNA chapters!)
NSNA Nursing the Ultimate Adventure Pamphlet
Johnson & Johnson Discover Nursing
Johnson & Johnson Free Materials
Please contact your FNSA BTN chairperson if you have any questions!


1. Most creative Breakthrough to Nursing Recruitment Project
This BTN award will be presented to the school that provides the most creative project involving the recruitment of new members to our profession. This can involve events focused on any age, minority, or organization you worked with. 

2. Most creative Breakthrough to Nursing Day Project
This BTN award will be presented to the school with the most original and unique event or project that works toward the goals of Breakthrough to Nursing. 


  • Students can go out and speak with potential nursing students by meeting with local high school counselors, churches, or other community agencies.

  • Offer high school career days.

  • Organize BTN fund-raiser to provide funds for tutors for students with academic problems.

  • Become mentors to potential students. Provide “shadow” opportunities for them.

  • Go to community agency and assist with existing projects.

  • Network with Social Service agencies. Examples: Health Department, Good Will Industries, Self Sufficiency Centers, Harbor House, YMCA, and YWCA.

  • Recruit “second-career” people into nursing by going to business career days.

  • Go to clinics and give information on opportunities in nursing.

  • Go to skilled centers give information about nursing as a career. Target Certified Nursing Assistants, Home Health Aides, and Medical Assistants etc.

  • Go to government assistance agencies.

  • Attend professional organization meetings and share information about nursing and BTN.

  • Purchase coloring books for elementary school children on various web sites that explain and promote a positive image of nursing.

  • Take children or prospective students on tours of local hospitals.

  • Adopt-a-school

  • Partner with your local nursing organization.