Sarah Etienne, Hotline Editor
AdventHealth University- Orlando

FNSA Bylaws- Article XII., Section 16.

"The Committee on Communications shall:
(a)     Be chaired by a Regional Director appointed to the position by the President and approved by the Executive Board at the post-convention Executive Board meeting. 
(b)     Be responsible for maintaining the FNSA website and other social media by: 
                        1) Posting each edition of the Hotline and region newsletters. 
                        2) Updating the calendar and announcement pages. 
                        3) Updating all materials dealing with conventions, committees, liaisons, sustaining members, board members, bylaws and any  other materials deemed appropriate by the Executive Board. 
(c)     Initiate an exchange of ideas with the Web Master for changes that need to be made to improve the Web Site and all other forms of social media. 
(d)     Serve as the resource for technical and communications related questions of FNSA constituents. 
(e)     Maintain dialogue with other members of the FNSA executive board, and forward emails as appropriate. 
(f)     Develop means to enhance communications between executive board members and FNSA constituents utilizing the website and other resources deemed appropriate by the executive board. 
(g)     Provide information session(s) to school chapters on utilization of the FNSA website at Pre Convention annually.
(h)     Submit the Web Site for an award to the NSNA National Convention. 
(i)     Perform all other duties pertaining to the office. 


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Instagram: @FLStudentNurses

Facebook: Florida Nursing Students Association

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Please contact me (fnsa2023region5@gmail.com) with any questions, comments, or requests!